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Where In Denmark Will Citizens Get Older Than 100 Years?

Hotspot by birth (left) Hotspots by place of residence at age 71 (right)

Study. According to a CHALLENGE study, you are 37% more likely to turn 100, if you live in the following Danish areas; Sydfyn, Ærø, Tåsinge, Langeland and Vestlolland compared to Danes living in other areas. If a Dane, born between 1906 and 1915 and lived in Midtjylland or north of Copenhagen at the age of 71, there were respectively a 46% and 44% higher chance of turning 100 compared to Danes living in other areas.

The first results from the CHALLENGE project, that aims to understand aging better, are ready. The authors, Anne Vinkel Hansen, Laust Hvas Mortensen and Rudi Westendorp, describe how they performed a Kulldorff spatial scan, searching for regions of birth, and of residence at age 71, where an increased percentage of the cohort born 1906-1915 became centenarians. They then compared mortality hazards for these regions to the rest of the country.

They found a birth hotspot of 222 centenarians, 1.37 times more than expected, centered on a group of rural islands. Lower mortality hazards from age 71 onwards were confined to those born within the hotspot and persisted over a period of at least 30 years. At age 71, we found two residence-based hotspots of 348 respectively 238 centenarians, 1.46 and 1.44 times the expected numbers. One hotspot, located in high-income suburbs of the Danish capital, seems driven by selective in-migration of low-mortality individuals. The other hotspot seems driven by selective migration and lower morality among those born and residing in the hotspot.

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